
讲座预告 | The Screening Mechanism of Logistics Service in Platform Financing

发布日期:2024-10-14 信息来源:经管学院 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]


The Screening Mechanism of Logistics Service in Platform Financing

报告人:赵文辉教授 上海交通大学安泰经管学院长聘教授






It is important for a platform to distinguish high/low quality borrowers when offering financial service to his small, and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), especially in the early stage that the platform does not have the detailed credit histories of the SMEs. We show that the sellers' selection of logistics service can serve as such a screening/discriminating tool, by building a game model between a platform and capital constrained sellers, where the platform offers a logistics price and two interest rates, the higher one for the sellers selecting the platform logistics and the other for the sellers choosing third-party logistics, if they prefer platform financing over bank financing. The logic is that, while the superb logistics service offered by the platform can attract more demands for the sellers, it does not benefit all sellers equally. Instead, it benefits sellers with higher credit qualities more, since they have better ability to manage the supply chain and meet demand, and thus more willing to choose platform logistics. We refer to this effect as the screening role of the platform logistics service for the financial service. We show that, by increasing the standard level of logistics, the platform can distinguish high credit quality sellers better. Our model offers a plausible explanation for JD platform's financial and logistics practices and demonstrates some potential values for a platform to offer operational and financial services jointly.



赵文辉,美国俄亥俄州立大学运筹学博士;清华大学土木工程硕士、土木/计算机双学士。2010年8月加入上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院、2018年8月晋升终身职副教授、同年12月破格晋升教授,2024年晋升长聘教授。上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)。中国管理科学与工程学会供应链与运营管理分会副主任、学术委员会主席。论文发表在Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Math Programming等国际运营/数学期刊,SCI引用1000余次、SSCI引用近800次;单篇引用Web of Science核心合集500余次、Google Scholar760余次。成果被Manufacturing & Service Operations Management期刊论文进行了实证检验。指导了世界500强企业供应链金融项目,试运行9个月直接经济效益1千万元;实施前三年和后三年净利润、营运资金周转率等指标变化显著。主持国家自科重点项目《美高梅app》。
